Top Master Fitting H0CX56ST for SHAD motorcycle trunk tail.
Compatible with medium (D1B40PA) and big (D1B591PA) mounting plates , valid for TR48/TR37/SH59X/SH58X/SH50/SH48/SH47/SH46/SH45/SH40/SH39. To use with SH37/SH34/SH33/SH29/SH26 is necessary to use medium mounting plate.
ATTENTION: top fitting not compatible with aluminium mounting plate.
Compatible motorcycle models:
CB 500 X (2013-2024)
NX 500 (2023 - 2024)
If you have any doubt about the compatibility with your motorcycle, or you want a specific model, do not hesitate to contact us and request any model at the best price.